Thanksgiving Day USA
Beloved Gaia, mother Earth
Radiant Ra, father Sun
We join hands with our loved ones today in gratitude
For this gift of life that is so precious and fragile
For all the blessings and bounty that we receive
May our hearts open wide with compassion
May our minds be at peace accepting our differences
Let us remember that
In giving, we receive
In serving, we are served
In loving, we are loved
With empathy & compassion, we are forgiven
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On this special day and always
Let us remember & thank the First People
Who embraced and supported us through our trials
The weak and poor who have fallen between the cracks of our abundance
Let us repair the injustices that have been wrought upon those less fortunate
Those children of Gaia from whom their freedoms were stolen by greedy masters
Let us dedicate ourselves to living in peace
May the power of love illuminate our hearts
This day and evermore…
Amen, Amin, by the Grace of Gaia and Ra