When you look around, what do you see?
People acting in harmony?
Joyful, loving and living free?
Or are they chained in misery
Minds filled with negativity?
This life is like a labyrinth
Mirrored hallways & illusions
Mental concepts crystallized
Into matter realized
From thought energy devised
The way through lies in your heart
With love as your captain you can start
To manifest your highest visions
And harmony in all your decisions
Well being for all at the heart of love’s call
Hold this close, let your mind reflect
Repeat moment by moment, do not neglect
Let this be infused into your every cell
Slowly, day by day all will be well
And in love’s embrace you will dwell
Take heed my dear friend
We are all in this together
It is up to each one of us in the end
Whether to love or to hate we tether
And thus live in fair or foul weather
Heaven is not a place outside
There are many in which to reside
The mansions within make up the maze
And depend on where you place your gaze
They are there to capture and amaze
Go beyond if you dare
If for your essential nature you care
For there are treasures that lie within
In the secret chambers of your heart begin
And freedom to explore will be yours to win
Love is the key that unlocks all doors
Love heals all hearts, mine and yours
Woke up to love and freedom claim
Your pure light consciousness a burning flame
With one pointed focus toward love aim