My heart expands with each drop of rain
Clouds hang heavy like blankets
Overburdened with the water of life
Letting go sheets that soak Earth’s bed
Breaking fever of pent up accumulation
Relieving and renewing balance
Pregnant and giving birth
To a new world of possibilities
How I yearn for an awakening
The restoration of integrity and intelligence
Wisdom unfolding it’s mysterious web
Embracing those who step away
Willing to look deeply into the mouth of truth
Extracting cavities long rotten from misuse
Clearing the way for new growth
Opportunities for re-generation
How is that you have lost your way?
Hoping to be found you have fallen
Into the depths of ignorance, oh my love
I long for your embrace and the innocence
That we once shared and celebrated
United in radiant knowing
That we will never truly understand
This great mystery
Have we grown old and scared
Frightened at the slightest rustle in the leaves?
Demons are lurking in dark corners
Ready to grab us unawares
And sweep us into the vast unknown
Let us break free my love
Let us rise in the light that lies within us
And bow in gratitude to the glory of love